Tuesday 15 June 2021

Big Data Analytics MCQ

After leaning the fundamentals of Big Data Analytics, students can test their knowledge by answering this multiple choice questions which covers a wide variety of topics in Big Data Analytics. Also this MCQ helps the teachers to set question papers on Big Data analytics.

Choose the best answer (Multiple choice questions)

1.  Which is not the characteristic of Big Data?

            A) Velocity               B) Viscosity              C) Variety                 D) Volume

2. The form of data that is structured but is not defined is

A) Processed           B) Semi-structured      C) Structured          D) Unstructured

3. Concerning the Forms of Big Data, which one of these is odd?

A) Structured              B) Unstructured          C) Processed        D) Semi-Structured

4. The most widely used Apache project for processing big data is

A) Apache Beam                                B) Apache Cassandra            

C) Apache Hadoop                             D) Apache Spark

5. The word 'Big data was coined by

A) Roger Mougalas     B) John Philips      C) Simon Woods        D) Martin Green

6. __________ data does not conform to any pre-defined data model.

A) Structured         B) Unstructured          C) Processed         D) Semi-Structured

7.  The examination of large amounts of data to see what patterns or other useful information can be found is known as what?

A) Big data tactics                                          B) Small data analysis            

C) Big data analytics                                      D) Small data tactics

8. Big data analysis does the following except?

A) Collects data                      B) Spreads data         

C) Organizes data                   D) Analyzes data

9. Which of the following is not an application for data science?

A) Recommendation Systems                        B) Image & Speech Recognition

C) Online Price Comparison                          D) Privacy Checker

10. Which of the following is not a major data analysis approach?

A) Data Mining                                   B) Predictive Intelligence

C) Business Intelligence                     D) Text Analytics

11. Which of the following is not a Benefit of Big Data Processing?

A) Businesses can utilize outside intelligence while taking decisions

B) Improved customer service

C) Better operational efficiency

D) Enhances data security and privacy

12. What is the work of Data Architect?

A) Utilize large data sets to gather information that meets their company's needs

B) Work with businesses to find the best usage of the information got from data

C) Build data solutions that are optimized for performance and design applications

D) All of the above 

13. “NoSQL” stands for ________________.

A) non SQL                B) native SQL             C) note SQL               D)  normal SQL

14.  NoSQL supports ____________.

A) Horizontal scaling, complex design, fine controlled availability

B) Horizontal scaling, simple design, fine controlled availability.

C) Vertical scaling, simple design, low control availability

D) Vertical scaling, simple design, fine controlled availability

15. ACID Properties refers to the _________________.

A) Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability         

B) Active Consistency Isolation Durability

C) Atomicity Control Isolation Durability

D) Atomicity Consistency Idea Durability

16.  Which of the following are the simplest NoSQL databases?

A) Key-value              b) Wide-column          C) Document              D) Graph 

17. A collection and a document in MongoDB is equivalent to which of the SQL concepts?

A) Table and Row                              B) Table and Column             

C) Column and Row                           D) Database and Table 

18. Apache Cassandra is a massively scalable open source _______ database.

A) SQL                       B) NoSQL                  C) NewSQL                D) PL/SQL

19. What license is Hadoop distributed under?

A) Apache License 2.0                       B) Mozilla Public License

C) Shareware                                      D) Commercial 

20. What was Hadoop named after?

A) Creator Doug Cutting’s favorite circus act          

B) Cutting’s high school rock band

C) The toy elephant of Doug Cutting’s son              

D) A sound Cutting’s laptop made during Hadoop development 

21. What was Hadoop written in?

A) C                            B) C++                        C) Java                        D) JSP 

22. Which of the following platforms does Hadoop run on?

A) Bare metal              B) Debian                    C) Cross-platform       D) Unix-like 

23. A ________ node acts as the Slave and is responsible for executing a Task assigned to it by the    JobTracker.

A) MapReduce              B) Mapper             C) TaskTracker            D) JobTracker 

24. In Hadoop, the ___________ is considered as a single point of failure.

A) Data Node      B) NameNode      C) Secondary NameNode      D) Worker Node 

25. Input to the _______ is the sorted output of the Mappers.

A) Reducer                 B) Mapper                   C) Shuffle                   D) Cascader 

26. A ________ serves as the master and there is only one NameNode per cluster.

A) Data Node             B) NameNode             C) Data block              D) Replication 

27. Which of the following phases occur simultaneously?

A) Reduce and Sort                    B) Shuffle and Sort    

C) Shuffle and Map                    D) Shuffle and reduce 

28. HDFS works in a __________ fashion.

A) master-worker      B) master-slave         C) worker/slave         D) master/worker 

29. ________ is the slave/worker node and holds the user data in the form of Data Blocks.

A) DataNode              B) NameNode             C) Data block              D) Replication 

30. For YARN, the ___________ Manager UI provides host and port information.

A) Data Node             B) NameNode             C) Resource                D) Replication



1. B                             2. B                             3. C                             4.  D                            5. A

6. B                             7. C                             8. B                             9. D                             10. B

11. D                           12. C                           13. A                           14.  B                          15. A

16. A                           17. A                           18. C                           19. A                           20. C

21. C                           22. C                           23. C                           24. B                           25. A

26. B                           27. B                          28. A                            29. A                           30. C

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